Your support makes the difference!
For over 70 years, the Claremont Symphony Orchestra has provided musical enrichment to residents of Claremont and its surrounding communities. In addition to providing free concerts, the CSO also provides outreach to young artists through the Claremont Youth Symphony Orchestra.
The CSO would not exist without your continued support. Donations provide funds for music rentals, soloists' honoraria, insurance, printing expenses, orchestral management, and support for our outreach programs.
You may make a contribution in one of the following ways:
The CSO would not exist without your continued support. Donations provide funds for music rentals, soloists' honoraria, insurance, printing expenses, orchestral management, and support for our outreach programs.
You may make a contribution in one of the following ways:
By Cash or Check:
Mail your tax-deductible contribution to: The Claremont Symphony Orchestra P.O. Box 698 Claremont, CA 91711 |
Make a secure online donation by clicking the button above.
Donor Categories
Corporate Sponsorship
Distinguished Benefactor Benefactor Patron Sponsor Supporter Contributor |
Please email [email protected] to inquire about the benefits of a corporate sponsorship.
$2,500 + $1,000 - $4,999 $500 - $999 $100 - $499 $50 - $99 up to $49 |
The James and Delphine Fahringer Fund
The James and Delphine Fahringer Fund was established in honor of two members of the Claremont Symphony Orchestra Association for their tireless dedication to the Claremont Symphony Orchestra and the Claremont Youth Symphony Orchestra. The fund is designated for general use by the CSO and CYSO. For more than 50 years, James Fahringer served in several capacities: as violist, percussionist, Assistant Conductor, and Music Director of the CSO (for more than 30 years), and Co-Conductor of the CYSO (for more than 20 years) until his passing in 2013. His wife Delphine Fahringer also contributed to the orchestra for nearly 50 years: as soprano soloist, percussionist, and, most notably, as Manager of the CYSO for 20 years, until her passing in 2008.